Sunday 7 February 2016

Annamalai university assignment answers provided. mob +91 9924764558 or +91 9447965521 Email: WEBSITE:

Academic Year 2015 - 2016
This booklet contains assignment topics. Students are asked to write the
assignments for EIGHT papers as per instructions.
Last date for submission : 29-02-2016
Last date for submission with late fee ` 300/- : 15-03-2016
1. Assignments sent after 15-03-2016 will not be evaluated.
2. Assignments should be in the own hand writing of the student concerned and
not type-written or printed or photocopied.
3. Assignments should be written on foolscap paper on one side only.
4. All assignments (with Enrolment number marked on the Top right hand corner
on all pages) should be put in an envelope with superscription ¡§MBA
Assignments¡¨ and sent to The Director, Directorate of Distance Education, Annamalai
University, Annamalainagar ¡V 608 002 by Registered post.
5. No notice will be taken on assignments which are not properly filled in with
Enrolment Number and the Title of the papers.
6. Students should send full set of assignments for all papers. Partial
assignments will not be considered.
Write assignments on any TWO topics in each paper out of the FOUR. For each
topic the answer should not exceed 15¡Vpages. Each assignment carries 25 marks
(2 topics).

1. ¡§Planning is looking ahead, and Control is looking back¡¨. Comment.
2. Why do most of the large department stores and supermarket chains organize
their stores on a territorial basis and then organize the internal store units by
products? Give examples from your own experience.
3. ¡§You cannot motivate managers. They are self-propelled. You just get out of their
way if you really want performance¡¨. Comment.
4. Why do most of the controls of overall performance tend to be financial? Should
they be? What else would you suggest?
1. Write on various marketing environment like economic, technological,
sociocultural, demographic, political, legal and competitive.
2. Discuss the various steps involved in media planning. When and why media
planning assumes relevance and significance for a marketer?
3. Discuss the challenges in designing marketing mix strategies for a small sized
car priced more than Rs.2 Lakhs and less than 3 Lakhs for the Indian market.
4. Discuss the importance of ¡¥Promotions¡¦ for a hill resort during off-season. Also
identify the possible sales promotion schemes it can offer.
1. ¡§The credit policy of a company is criticized, because the bad debt losses have
increased considerably and the collection period has also increased¡§. Discuss
under what conditions this criticism may not be justified.
2. Is the adjustment of time relatively more important for financial decisions with
short-range implications or for decisions with long-range implications? Justify
your answer with suitable examples.
3. If the use of financial leverage magnifies the earnings per share under favourable
economic conditions, why do companies not employ very large amount of debt in
their capital structure. Illustrate your answer by giving justification.
4. ¡§The analysis of debt to equity ratios alone can be decreasing and an analysis of
the magnitude and stability of cash flows relative to fixed changes is extremely
important in determining the appropriate capital structure¡¨ give your opinion.
1. What factors are considered while designing a factory building? Will you prefer
an ¡¥L¡¦ shape building or a rectangular building for a new plant? Why?
2. State the factors governing the choice of site for a Thermal power plant in a city
or a sub-urban part of a country.
3. Discuss the functions of purchasing department in an industry. Explain some
methods of purchasing commonly adopted in an industrial purchasing. Why
should the purchasing documents be legally sound?
4. What are the various methods of purchasing and explain their importance and
steps in each method.
1. Considering the large number of pending retirement in India. What should your
organization do to prepare for this phenomenon? How will ensure that your
organization has necessary human resources it needs for the next 15 years?
2. If you were the chairperson of your company. What consideration would guide
your judgment on the following employment issues:
a) Hiring of relatives and friends of employees.
b) Promotion from within vs. choosing the best from outside.
c) Hiring SC¡¦s ST¡¦s and candidates belonging to minority communities.
d) Hiring physically handicapped persons.
3. ¡§Good raters are born, not made¡¨. Do you agree or disagree? Discuss.
¡§Performance appraisal should be a two way street. So managers evaluate their
subordinates and subordinates should evaluate their managers¡¨. Critically
evaluate this statement.
4. If a First-line supervisor is aware that one of his subordinates has a drinking
problem, but it is having no adverse effect on the subordinate¡¦s performance or
attendance, should the supervisor take any action against him? Are there moral
implications involved in this situation? State your views in this context.
1. Calculate the Index number by the application of Laspeyre¡¦s formula for the
following data.
YEAR 2010 2012 2010 2012
A 20 16 1.2 2.0
B 35 38 2.1 2.4
C 10 9 3.0 4.1
D 45 50 0.8 1.2
And also calculate Fisher¡¦s Index number
2. Obtain the seasonal fluctuations from the following time series by the method of
link relatives.
2010 65 58 56 61
2011 68 63 63 67
2012 70 59 56 52
2013 60 55 51 58
3. Productivity test of two commodities¡Vpaddy and wheat given the following result.
Mean Yield
(in tones)
No. of
Paddy 80 10 120
Wheat 75 12 90
Is the difference between standard deviation is significant?
4. Find out the regression equation showing the regression of capacity utilization on
Averge Standard Deviation
Production (in lakh unit) 35.6 10.4
Capacity utilization (in %) 84.8 8.5
Given that r =0.62
Estimate the production when the capacity utilization is 70%. Also check
whether the regression line is a good fit..
1. ¡§Communication trends have changed very rapidly in managerial practices.¡¨ Discuss
this statement by providing examples from corporate world.
2. Explain about the various models of interpersonal relationship adopted in
Information Technology companies. What are the lacunas you find? Suggest
remedies to overcome the drawbacks.
3. Assume that you are the General Manager of a company involved in
manufacturing agricultural products. Draft a speech highlighting the
satisfactory performance of your company during 2014-15, to be delivered in the
forth coming General Body meeting.
4. ¡§Writing a report is a skill or an art. Elucidate¡¨ ¡V How does a executive writes
reports effectively?
1. Enumerate the effects of social welfare advertisement. Enlist its merits and
demerits and state some social issues to be considered while creating social
welfare advertisements.
2. Suggest appropriate media while determining advertisement for real estate
segment products in Indian scenario. How will you decide suitable appeal in
creating advertisement?
3. Enlist the needs and advantages of conducting various types of pre test in
advertising research. Can this pre tests are adoptable in print advertisement and
broad cast advertisement. Elaborate your views with appropriate example. Compare
the benefits of pretest with post test in advertising research.
4. Elaborate the components of an effective advertising layout in print advertisement.
While deciding these ads how advertisers consider various factors involved in it?
According to your choice take any two most effective print advertisements and
analyze combined impacts of various components of advertising layout.
M.B.A. ¡V 1ST Year ¡V Assignment

1. “Management accounting is nothing else but financial and Cost Accounting tailored to
the requirements of management.” Defend or criticise the statement. Give reasons.
2. Two Companies have the same amount of working capital. The current debt
paying ability of one company is much weaker than that of the other. Explain
your views how this could occur.
3. From the following information you are required to prepare a Balance Sheet.
a. Current Ratio – 1.75
b. Liquid Ratio – 1.25
c. Stock Turnover Ratio [cost of sales/closing
d. Gross Profit Ratio – 1/3 % on cost of sales
e. Debt collection period – 1.5 months
f. Reserves and surplus to capital – 2
g. Turnover to fixed assets – 1.2
h. Capital Gearing Ratio – 0.6
i. Fixed Assets to Net Worth – 1.25
j. Cost of sales – ` 9,00,000/-
4. From the following summarised Balance Sheets of Jamaal Structural Ltd., as on
31st March 2014 and 31st March 2015. Prepare:
(i) a statement of sources and application of funds
(ii) a statement of changes in working capital.
Liabilities As on
As on
31.3.15 Assets As on
As on
Share capital 3,00,000 4,50,000 Fixed Assets 3,50,000 5,50,000
Reserve and surplus 1,50,000 3,50,000 Investment 50,000 30,000
Long-terms Liabilities 1,25,000 Machinery 2,15,000 75,000
Sundry Creditors 2,25,000 - Stock 15,000 2,75,000
Provision for tax 50,000 2,75,000 Debtors 1,75,000 1,50,000
95,000 Prepaid Expenses 20,000 45,000
Miscellaneous Expendi. 25,000 45,000
8,50,000 11,70,000 8,50,000 11,70,000
Additional Information:
1. Depreciation written off during 2015 was `80,000/-
2. On 31st March 2015, accumulated depreciation on fixed assets amounted to
`1,75,000/- and on 31st March 2014, `1,25,000/-.
3. Machinery costing `50,000/-, accumulated depreciation there on being
` 3,000/- was discarded and written off during 2015.
4. During the current year. Investment costing `10,000/- were sold for `12,500/-.
5. Dividend paid during the year amounted to `32,500/-
M.B.A. – IYR – Assignment

1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of hierarchical database management
system in comparison with RDBMS. Discuss types of applications suitable for
hierarchical DBMS and RDBMS.
2. Produce and E-R diagram, which documents the entities, attributes, relationships
and cardinality involved in the Life Insurance Management System. Create a
relational schema to hold the necessary information. Identify the tables and
perform normalization to the tables to the required normal forms.
3. (A) What is a view? Discuss the difference between a view and a base relation.
Explain what happens when a user accesses a database through a view.
(B) Consider the relational table given below and answer the following SQL
queries. Employee (SSN-No, Name, Department, Salary)
a. List all the employees whose name starts with the Letter ‘L’
b. Find the maximum salary given to employees in each department
c. Find the number of employees working in ‘Marketing’ department
d. Find the second Maximum salary from the table
e. Find the employee who is getting the minimum salary
4. Write a PL/SQL program for maintain employee details for following menu
(a) Insert a record
(b) Update the record
(c) Delete the record
(d) Report for all employees

1. An employee of a training organization has the task of creating case study
exercises and solutions for a training course which teaches a new systems
analysis and design method. The person¡¦s work plan has a three-week task
¡§learn new method¡¨. A colleague suggests that this is unsatisfactory as a task as
there are no concrete deliverables or products from the activity. What can be
done about this?
2. Draw an activity network using either activity-on-node or activity-on-arrow
network conventions for each of the following projects.
„« Getting married
„« Choosing and Purchasing a desktop computer
„« Organizing and carrying out a survey of user¡¦s opinions of an information
3. If you have access to project planning software, investigate the extent to which it
offers support for earned value analysis. If it does not do so directly, investigate
ways in which it would help you to generate a baseline budget (BCWS) and track
the earned value (BCWP).
4. Three different mental obstacles to good decision making were identified in the
text, faculty heuristics, escalation of commitment and information overload.
What steps do you think can be taken to reduce the danger of each of these?
1. ¡§Management accounting is nothing else but financial and Cost Accounting
tailored to the requirements of management.¡¨ Defend or Criticise the statement.
Give reasons.
2. Two Companies have the same amount of working capital. The current debt
paying ability of one company is much weaker than that of the other. Explain
your views how this could occur.
3. From the following information you are required to prepare a Balance Sheet.
a. Current Ratio ¡V 1.75
b. Liquid Ratio ¡V 1.25
c. Stock Turnover Ratio [cost of sales/closing
d. Gross Profit Ratio ¡V 1/3 % on cost of sales
e. Debt collection period ¡V 1.5 months
f. Reserves and surplus to capital ¡V 2
g. Turnover to fixed assets ¡V 1.2
h. Capital Gearing Ratio ¡V 0.6
i. Fixed Assets to Net Worth ¡V 1.25
j. Cost of sales ¡V ` 9,00,000/-
4. From the following summarised Balance Sheets of Jamaal Structural Ltd., as on
31st March 2014 and 31st March 2015. Prepare a statement of sources and
application of funds.
Liabilities As on
As on
31.3.15 Assets As on
As on
Share capital 3,00,000 4,50,000 Fixed Assets 3,50,000 5,50,000
Reserve and surplus 1,50,000 3,50,000 Investment 50,000 30,000
Long-terms Liabilities 1,25,000 - Machinery 2,15,000 75,000
Sundry Creditors 2,25,000 2,75,000 Stock 15,000 2,75,000
Provision for tax 50,000 95,000 Debtors 1,75,000 1,50,000
Prepaid Expenses 20,000 45,000
Miscellaneous Expend., 25,000 45,000
8,50,000 11,70,000 8,50,000 11,70,000
Additional Information:
1. Depreciation written off during 2015 was `80,000/-
2. On 31st March 2015, accumulated depreciation on fixed assets amounted to
`1,75,000/- and on 31st March 2014, `1,25,000/-.
3. Machinery Costing `50,000/-, accumulated depreciation there on being
` 3,000/- was discarded and written off during 2015.
4. During the current year. Investment costing `10,000/- were sold for `12,500/-.
5. Dividend paid during the year amounted to `32,500/-.
M.B.A. ¡V Ist YR ¡V Assignment

1. Take the IT (Information Technology) Industry as an example for Perfect
Competition and analyse the character.
2. Prepare an essay to show the growth of National Income in India after post
3. Out of your own experience find out the reasons for failure of business fore
casting even in the case of leading experienced companies.
4. Differentiate monopolistic competition with perfect monopoly and analyse the
differences with diagrammatic representation.
1. ¡§Management accounting is nothing else but financial and Cost Accounting tailored to
the requirements of management.¡¨ Defend or criticise the statement. Give reasons.
2. Two Companies have the same amount of working capital. The current debt
paying ability of one company is much weaker than that of the other. Explain
your views how this could occur.
3. From the following information you are required to prepare a Balance Sheet.
a. Current Ratio ¡V 1.75
b. Liquid Ratio ¡V 1.25
c. Stock Turnover Ratio [cost of sales/closing
d. Gross Profit Ratio ¡V 1/3 % on cost of sales
e. Debt collection period ¡V 1.5 months
f. Reserves and surplus to capital ¡V 2
g. Turnover to fixed assets ¡V 1.2
h. Capital Gearing Ratio ¡V 0.6
i. Fixed Assets to Net Worth ¡V 1.25
j. Cost of sales ¡V ` 9,00,000/-
4. From the following summarised Balance Sheets of Jamaal Structural Ltd., as on
31st March 2014 and 31st March 2015. Prepare:
(i) a statement of sources and application of funds
(ii) a statement of changes in working capital.
Liabilities As on
As on
31.3.15 Assets As on
As on
Share capital 3,00,000 4,50,000 Fixed Assets 3,50,000 5,50,000
Reserve and surplus 1,50,000 3,50,000 Investment 50,000 30,000
Long-terms Liabilities 1,25,000 Machinery 2,15,000 75,000
Sundry Creditors 2,25,000 - Stock 15,000 2,75,000
Provision for tax 50,000 2,75,000 Debtors 1,75,000 1,50,000
95,000 Prepaid Expenses 20,000 45,000
Miscellaneous Expendi. 25,000 45,000
8,50,000 11,70,000 8,50,000 11,70,000
Additional Information:
1. Depreciation written off during 2015 was `80,000/-
2. On 31st March 2015, accumulated depreciation on fixed assets amounted to
`1, 75,000/- and on 31st March 2014, `1,25,000/-.
3. Machinery costing `50,000/-, accumulated depreciation there on being `
3,000/- was discarded and written off during 2015.
4. During the current year investment costing `10,000/- were sold for `12,500/-.
5. Dividend paid during the year amounted to `32,500/-
1. Write on various marketing environment like economic, technological, socio
cultural, demographic, political, legal and competitive.
2. Discuss the various steps involved in media planning. When and why media
planning assumes relevance and significance for a marketer.
3. Discuss the challenges in designing marketing mix strategies for a small sized
car priced more than Rs.1 Lakh and less than 2 Lakhs for the Indian market.
4. Discuss the importance of ¡¥Promotions¡¦ for a hill resort during off-season. Also
identify the possible sales promotion schemes it can offer.
1. Considering the large number of pending retirement in India. What should your
organization do to prepare for this phenomenon? How will ensure that your
organization has necessary human resources it needs for the next 15 years?
2. If you were the chairperson of your company. What consideration would guide
your judgment on the following employment issues?
a) Hiring of relatives and friends of employees.
b) Promotion from within VS. Choosing the best from outside.
c) Hiring SC¡¦s ST¡¦s and candidates belonging to minority communities.
3. ¡§Good raters are born, not made¡¨. Do you agree or disagree? Discuss.
¡§Performance appraisal should be a two way street. So, managers evaluate their
subordinates and subordinates should evaluate their managers¡¨. Critically
evaluate this statement.
4. If a First-line supervisor is aware that one of his subordinates has a drinking
problem, but it is having no adverse effect on the subordinate¡¦s performance or
attendance, should the supervisor take any action against him? Are there moral
implications involved in this situation? State your views in this context.
1. What factors are considered while designing a factory building? Will you prefer
an ¡¥L¡¦ shape building or a rectangular building for a new plant? Why?
2. State the factors governing the choice of site for a Thermal power plant in a city
or a sub-urban part of a country.
3. Discuss the functions of purchasing department in an industry. Explain some
methods of purchasing commonly adopted in an industrial purchasing. Why
should the purchasing documents be legally sound?
4. What are the various methods of purchasing and explain their importance and
1. Process of data implies, editing, coding, classifications and tabulation in a
research methodology process. Examine the statement with a suitable example.
2. ¡§Empirical Research in India creates so many problems for researchers¡¨. State
the problems that are usually faced by young researcher.
3. ¡§Interpretation is an art of drawing inference depending upon the skill of
researcher¡¨. Elucidate the given statement with various techniques of
4. ¡§Experimental method of research is not suitable in Management field¡¨. ¡V
Discuss, What are the problems in the introduction of this research design in
business organization?
M.B.A- IYR ¡V Assignment

1. Considering the large number of pending retirement in India. What should your
organization do to prepare for this phenomenon? How will ensure that your
organization has necessary human resources it needs for the next 15 years?
2. If you were the chairperson of a company, what consideration would guide your
judgment on the following employment issues:
a) Hiring of relatives and friends of employees.
b) Promotion from within Vs Choosing the best from outside.
c) Hiring SC¡¦s ST¡¦s and candidates belonging to minority communities.
3. ¡§Good ratters are born, not made¡¨. Do you agree or disagree? Discuss.
¡§Performance appraisal should be a two way street. So managers evaluate their
subordinates and subordinates should evaluate their managers¡¨. Critically
evaluate this statement.
4. If a First-line supervisor is aware that one of his subordinates has a drinking
problem, but it is having no adverse effect on the subordinate¡¦s performance or
attendance, should the supervisor take any action against him? Are there moral
implications involved in this situation? State your views in this context.
1. Write on various marketing environment like economic, technological, socio
cultural, demographic, political, legal and competitive.
2. Discuss the various steps involved in media planning. When and why media
planning assumes relevance and significance for a marketer.
3. Discuss the challenges in designing marketing mix strategies for a small sized
car priced more than Rs.1 Lakh and less than 2 Lakhs for the Indian market.
4. Discuss the importance of ¡¥Promotions¡¦ for a hill resort during the off-season.
Also identify the possible sales promotion schemes it can offer.
1. ¡§The credit policy of a company is criticized because the bad debt losses have
increased considerably and the collection period has also increased¡§. Discuss
under what conditions this criticism may not be justified.
2. Is the adjustment of time relatively more important for financial decisions with
short-range implications or for decisions with long-range implications? Justify
you answer with suitable examples.
3. If the use of financial leverage magnifies the earnings per share under favourable
economic conditions, why do companies not employ very large amount of debt in
their capital structure. Illustrate your answer by giving justification.
4. ¡§The analysis of debt to equity ratios alone can be decreasing and an analysis of
the magnitude and stability of cash flows relative to fixed changes is extremely
important in determining the appropriate capital structure¡¨ give your opinion.
1. What factors are considered while designing a factory building? Will you prefer
an ¡¥L¡¦ shape building or a rectangular building for a new plant? Why?
2. State the factors governing the choice of site for a Thermal power plant in a city
or a sub-urban part of a country.
3. Discuss the functions of purchasing department in an industry. Explain some
methods of purchasing commonly adopted in an industrial purchasing. Why
should the purchasing documents be legally sound?
4. What are the various methods of purchasing and explain the importance and
1. As a manager of a leading international company, how would you handle the
export marketing in international trade? Point out the realistic difficulties in
international trade.
2. Assume yourself as a manager of an international company. Write your
comments on the foreign exchange control.
3. Suppose you have been appointed as export manager of an international
company, what is the procedure of international trade and how do you handle
the issues?
4. What is the role of export credit guarantee corporations (ECGC)? And how can
the company benefit from them?
1. A client has approached you with a request for preparing a project feasibility
report for setting up a cosmetic product factory near the capital of the country.
How will you conduct your work and what type of data will you collect and
analyse for submitting an honest and neutral report.
2. ¡§It is advisable to incorporate inflation in project cash flows but it is most
difficult¡¨. Do you support this statement? Why? Give your answer with an
3. A friend of yours just bought a sony digital camera. While showing it to you, he
said, ¡§You think entrepreneurial firms are so smart, look at what Sony has
done. It has produced a sophisticated digital camera that allows me to take
pictures, download them to my PC, and e-mail them to family members. Sony¡¦s
a big company, not a small entrepreneurial firm. What do you have to say to
that?¡¨ If you were to defend the role of entrepreneurial firms in developing new
technologies, how would you respond?
4. What factors favour older entrepreneurs as opposed to younger entrepreneurs?
1. Differentiate industrial relations from human relations. State the importance
and various objectives of industrial relations.
2. Discuss the various welfare measures available statutorily in India for the
protection of contract labourers.
3. How far the welfare of the child and female labourers are protected statutorily in
India? Explain.
4. ¡§The various social security enactments in India that provide social security
measures of Indian workers¡¨. Discuss.
1. Examine the training evaluation practices in Indian Industry.
2. Devise a development program for training the managerial personnel of an MNC.
3. Identify the procedures and their pitfalls for the effective implementation of MDP
in organizations and suggest suitable measure to avoid pitfalls.
4. Discuss the training methods available for the development of various skills of
public sector employees with suitable illustrations.
1. As a manager of a leading recruitment company, what are the major factors that
the young managers must possess, to meet out the domestic and global forces
that are affecting sales managers now and in future?
2. Identify and describe the four stages of a salesperson¡¦s career life cycle. How
would you motivate salespeople in each stage?
3. If you were to take your automobile company global, which three countries would
be your first targets? Why? What kinds of strategies and products fit with those
countries segments of customers?
4. A new ready-made garment company is planning to launch its new garments in
the market and wishes to appoint retail outlets in all the major towns. What
should be the criteria for selecting retail outlets?
1. A business school wants to know how students go about choosing a college to
join in the MBA programme. Design a suitable questionnaire for this purpose.
2. Enumerate the EKB model in consumer decision making process?
3. A company is marketing perfume for teenage girls. The company hires you as a
consultant to study the buying habits and motives of teenage girls while buying
perfume. How will you study their buying habits and motives?
4. Explain the various ethical issues related to marketing research projects
1. As an individual investor, what aspects of public issues you should be familiar
with? Discuss your views with relevant to the recent trends in primary market.
2. (a) If the market price per share is equal to the book value per share, the
following are equal :
Return on equity, Earnings price ratio, Total yield.
Elucidate with few examples.
(b) A stock is currently selling for `.60. The call option on the stock exercisable a
year from now at an exercise price of Rs.55 is currently selling for Rs.15.
The risk free interest rate is 12 percent. The stock can either fall after a year.
It can fall by 30 percent. By what percent it can rise?
3. Describe the procedure developed by Markowitz for choosing the optimal
portfolio of risky assets with suitable examples.
4. How and when will you adopt (1) Portfolio Reconstruction (2) Portfolio
Rebalancing and Upgrading and (3) Performance attribution when you are an
efficient portfolio manager?
1. ¡§The finance manager does not allocate the funds in an effective manner in his
organisation¡¨. Discuss the consequences faced by the various department in the
2. ¡§The fund investment process involves a series of activities starting from the
policy formulation¡¨. Does this statement is applicable for newly promoted
company. Substantiate your views.
3. In deciding to raise financing for a business is there an optimal mix of debt and
equity? If yes what is the trade off that let us determine this optimal mix? If not
why not?
4. In a organisation the production manager suggest to go for hire purchasing of a
machinery. But finance manager suggesting to go to leasing. As a consult what
idea you will give to production manager and finance managers. Highlight your
suggestion by giving appropriate justification.
1. How might the addition of equipment to a production system lower efficiency?
What does this say about replacing labour with equipment to increase
2. As the process life cycle changes with the product life cycle should a firm change
along with it or move into new products more appropriate to its existing
process? What factors must be considered in this decision?.
3. Frequently, simple models such as breakeven are much more appealing to
management than more sophisticated model (such as linear programming) why
might this be so?
4. Exactly what decreases in unit cost occur with larger facilities as a result of
economics of scale? Might any costs increase with the size of a facility?
1. ¡§Quality is what customers perceive it to be¡¨, Do you agree with the statement?
Support your answer with suitable example.
2. Support Deming philosophy and trace the strength and weakness of Taguchi¡¦s
ideas of quality management.
3. ¡§Various difficulties can be anticipated in the implementation of TQM
programme¡¨. Validate the statement.
4. ¡§Elements of ISO 9000 quality management system used to improve quality
performance:¡¨ Discuss.
1. Describe the usage of mail merge option in Ms-Word and how to prepare New
Year wishes letter for each student from MBA department?
2. Write a step by step procedure for creating an exercise for employee salary sheet
preparation; the following columns will be used in this exercise
Employee Department Salary
Kumar IT 15000
Suresh IT 17000
Rajesh Advertising 16000
Sangeetha HR 20000
Ashwin HR 45000
Barathi Accounting 13000
Sineha Advertising 23000
Tamizh Accounting 20000
Naveen IT 14000
a. Calculate the number of employees in the Accounting department
b. Calculate the number of employees with a salary greater than 15000.
c. Calculate the number of employees who are NOT in the IT department. (Hint:
The not equal sign is <>)
d. Calculate the number of employees with a salary greater than or equal to
Suresh¡¦, and less than Sineha. Remember to use cell addresses (Hint: Use
two countif operations.)
e. Calculate the sum of all salaries that are below the average of salaries.
f. Using AVERAGEIF, calculate the average of all salaries that are less than or
equal to Tamizh.
g. Create a new filter that only shows the data for IT department.
h. Show the pivot table information for department wise.
3. Write a step by step procedure for creating an exercise for student mark sheet
preparation. The following columns will be used in this exercise.
a. Rollno Instruction:
b. Name a. To calculate the total, average
c. Department b. To find out the result (all subject should be >=50) and grade (Average is >=80 ¡¥S¡¦)
d. Gender c. To find out the department wise percentage
e. Subject 1 d. To find out the department wise total students
f. Subject 2 e. To find out the gender wise average for each department
g. Subject 3 f. To create a line chart for department wise average
h. Total g. To create a bar chart for gender wise average for each department
I. Average
j. Result
k. Grade
4. Write a step by step procedure for creating employees salary sheet, the following
options and formulas of MS-Excel will be used in this exercise.
Sum(range), if(), sumif(), Countif(), Data „_Data Validation
Emp- ID Name Basic
Tax Net
1 Suresh 12000
2 Ashwin 14000
3 Abirami 11500
4 Naveen 12500
5 Meena 13000
6 Barathi 13500
7 Ganesan 8000
Type the following worksheet:
a. In ¡¥Basic Salary¡¦ column values greater than 10,000 not allowed
b. Calculate House rent (if Basic Salary is greater than 12000 then 45% otherwise 30%)
c. Calculate Conv. Allowance (if Baisc Salary is greater than 13000 then 30% otherwise 20%)
d. Calculate Medical Allowance (if Basic Salary is greater than 14000 then 60% otherwise 45%)
e. Calculate Gross Pay
f. Calculate Tax (if Gross is greater than 25000 then 10% otherwise 0)
g. Calculate Next Pay
h. Calculate total net salary of those employees whose salary is less than 20000
i. Count No. of employees who are not giving tax
1. As a developing country like India, how do they do the software development?
Explain with an international company with which you are familiar
2. What do you know about Internet Protocols? And how it will help you to see
3. As a team leader what kind of skill do you want to develop the database?
4. Why online mode of business is preferred by companies? How it helps our
country ?
M.B.A. ¡V IIYR ¡V Assignment